Knight of Swords…
Some quick thinking today has got you feeling a sense of euphoria. I mean, you should be proud of your ability to take action with a calm and cool-cat demeanor in a situation that felt high stakes. Today, you were unafraid in moment of urgency. You were on top of your game and kept a clear mind amidst that wild momentum. You should flaunt your success and celebrate your fearlessness! But, you should also examine what drove you to be so spontaneous in your thinking. You were so clear in your actions that you barely recall the active decision to move forward. It’s almost contradictory to common sense. Was it defiance? Or was it that moment in the chaos when time stands still just long enough for you to decide with a clear head? Maybe it was a spark of confidence that rose to the surface at just the right time? Figure it out, because, if you can revisit this at will - it is to your advantage.
“In a world deluged in chaos, clarity is power.” - Yuval Noah Harrari
“Somewhere in the fear and chaos, there is a clarity that few will ever experience.” - Travis Pastrana
The Knight of Sword from the Allain Tarot