The Ace of Pentacles - Reversed…

You win some and you lose some and right now it feels like the latter. Set backs and roadblocks are so frustrating and disappointment abounds. If you are feeling like all the sweetness in life is falling away and reality is hitting you right across the face, maybe this is a good thing. Yes, I said it - this could be the wake up call you needed. Tonight, don’t beat yourself up just pick yourself up and take note of lessons learned from lost opportunity. Before bed, jot down what exactly was lost, but for each thing you write down take note beside it of what you gained from that loss. Perspective? A new idea on how to do it better? Hope for something different? Clarity? More determination? The true candy in life sometimes isn’t sweet at all. Take your trick and turn it into a treat.

“Disappointment is nothing but an eye-opening learning process for your future endeavors.” - Edmond Mbiaka

The Ace of Pentacles (Reversed) from the Halloween Tarot Deck by Kipling West


Knight of Swords…


The Six of Cups…