Nine of Pentacles - Reversed

Nine of Pentacles (Reversed) from 78 Tarot Elemental

Nine of Pentacles (Reversed) from 78 Tarot Elemental

It’s intriguing to me that this card keeps popping up for us, both upright and reversed. Yesterday, I doing a reading for a client where it appeared to be hovering above them and now today I pull it again. Hmmmm…Obviously, we are in a tricky time right now. We have all, in varying degrees, experienced the loss of some kind of wealth - financial, personal, emotional or other. Things in our lives that we felt a certain ownership of have slipped away. Familiarities we had come to rely upon have shifted and morphed. The ability to control and design our destinies has dissipated. Security is a huge question mark for so many of us. This collective transformation has been both exciting and unsettling, as our dreams mutate. Recognize that this hesitation to embrace the unknown is a shared experience. Know that you may not be able to indulge in all of the luxuries you once took for granted, but that doesn’t mean your life is void. See if you can find new ways to be and feel juicy. What elements of your life still make you feel like a boss? How do you truly appreciate those moments and celebrate them? How do you expand upon them? Take what you have and make it into so much more! This is your challenge today and everyday.


Three of Wands - Reversed


Justice - Reversed