Nine of Swords into Ten of Swords - Reversed…

I pulled these cards this morning and thought, “Oh dear - this is not what I had hoped for today.” I waited to see how they might manifest for me to truly understand the message and it has become very clear. So, the thing you had hoped would come and change your state of mind and turn your luck around didn’t quite come through - did it? You can let this news haunt and humiliate you, keep you up at night and generally make you feel awful. You can bemoan this as one of life’s biggest disappointments and let the weight of your thoughts pin you down in a very dark way. OR you can accept that it’s just not happening for you and begin to generate new and fresh ideas for your own wellbeing. If you cannot access what you need, maybe you didn’t need it after all?!? Perhaps there is an alternative solution that will clear the air in a much more holistic way. It’s done - it’s not going any further, but that doesn’t mean you are and you can’t…Put your thinking cap back on, invite positivity and get creative!

“Being defeated is often a temporary condition. Giving up is what makes it permanent.” - Marilyn cos Savant

The Nine of Swords into The Ten of Swords (Reversed) from The Slow Tarot by Lacey Bryant


The Five of Pentacles…


Seven of Cups…