The Five of Pentacles…

So this week has been….an effort. Perhaps we have been suddenly confronted with financial realities that are not to our liking? You know, if you google this card’s meaning, the internet will distill this message down to “Poverty” or “Financial Hardship”, but those of us who truly connect with the cards know that it signifies something much deeper - instability that can create a sense of seclusion and hopelessness. But, when I draw this card, I find it usually appears as a wake up call. You can bend in defeat and curl up in a protective fetal position, shutting the rest of the world out, when you find yourself alone against insurmountable odds OR you can understand that the worst feelings of isolation stem from deep within and decide to bloom anyway. What is out of your reach, may not always be and eventually someone else will walk your path of desolation and help to lift you up and support you. You may feel cold and worried now, but it will be okay. You are not alone. So try not to wither - simply persist til your luck shifts. You can do this.

“We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope.” - Martin Luther King Jr.

The Five of Pentacles from the Witches Tarot by Ellen Dugan and Mark Evans


The Page of Cups…


Nine of Swords into Ten of Swords - Reversed…