Nine of Swords (Reversed) & Page of Swords…
This morning, I accidentally pulled two cards when reaching for a card of the day. But in Tarot, as in many moments of life, I have always found there really aren’t accidents. This two card discourse struck me right away, because last night I saw a dear friend in their incredibly creative cabaret show of personal stories and original songs! I was very moved at how she took a particularly traumatizing moment in her life and used it to create a truly gorgeous and heart-felt song. It reminded me that all of the stress and darkness we experience can spark new ideas. And, those ideas, if we let them take form, can motivate and inspire others in brilliant and moving ways we had not thought possible. When restless thoughts begin to swirl around you, gain control by using those thoughts in a creative way. Take your anxiety and turn it into something beautiful and full of bright potential for yourself and for others.
“When you’re sick of this world that’s broken, when you’re tired of your thoughts unspoken - don’t let it break you, that won’t be your fate. Don’t wait - create!” - Matty from SuperYou The Musical - lyrics by Lourds Lane
The Nine of Swords (Reversed) into The Page of Swords from The Light Seer’s Tarot by Chris-Anne