The Page of Wands - Reversed…
There is a lot going on around you - some of which is exciting, but much of it feels dangerous. But, strangely you are totally disengaged and do not even want to explore these happenings. It’s alright to feel disinterested in all of it. You don’t always have to be motivated to deal with the chaos. In addition, you shouldn’t let yourself be made to feel like you have to participate by someone else. You can simply sit back, ignore and let it pass by. Perhaps, after the fact, you’ll make sense of it all in retrospect. But, maybe you won’t. Will you feel as though you missed something? Hard to say at this point. Don’t force yourself to be active out of fear of regret. If you do not feel invested, perhaps there is a reason. Trust your gut - even if it’s just not motivating you to do anything.
“I am immediately disinterested when I hear mountain-climbing stories. - Fred Armisen *Me too, Fred - me too.
The Page of Wands (Reversed) from the Radio Opaque Tarot by Echo Vaas