The Hanged Man…
At this time of year it can feel like we are stuck in that winter Netherland of the mysterious in-between. Maybe it feels like the Upsidedown without monsters or a self-imposed Narnia of the spirit. These next few weeks could be a vacation from everyday life, but also might trap you in a prison of waiting for what is to come. There’s a magical, yet foreboding nostalgia that permeates the air as we maneuver through all of the gatherings of the holiday season. People, places, food, gifts all delight the senses, but also remind us of the ever changing experience of life. The approach of the new year comes with mixed emotions and all kinds of thoughts. In fact, some may feel a great sense of anxiety as the year creeps slowly to a close, while others feel the thrill of the unknown energy of what is ahead. There’s a lot to absorb and so much energy being expelled. It is important, though, that you prepare yourself for this topsy-turvy path and understand that you have more control over your experience of it than you recognize. Take a moment tonight to check in with how you are feeling and tie yourself to any hidden wishes you hold within. Suspend yourself above it all and breathe. You’ll soon know when you are ready to surrender to this Netherland and just how you might best face its most twisted mazes. Take time for self now - you won’t regret it later.
“Each person deserves a day in which no problems are confronted, no solutions searched for. Each of us needs to withdraw from cares that will not withdraw from us.” - Maya Angelou
The Hanged Man from The Inspirational Tarot