The Nine of Wands…

Sometimes it’s best to retreat into solitude and wait for that spark to come. In fact, today, you may want to disappear into a safe space to make sure that you are poised and ready to invite that little bit of inspiration. Self-protection, while restrictive can allow for greater clarity and fresh perspective. Give yourself permission to honor your personal needs and set the stage for a healthy moment of isolation. Create space and set boundaries to keep others in check, and ready yourself to foster the light that lands in your lap. Take the time you need and hide with purpose! On this Monday, it’s necessary to be a little cagey…and incredibly imaginative.

“Love yourself enough to set boundaries. Your time and energy are precious. You get to choose how to use it.” - Anna Taylor

The 9 of Wands from the Stella Tarot by Stella Kaoruko


The Hanged Man…


The Page of Wands…