Page of Pentacles (Reversed)…


You’ve been a little wild in your spending. Sometimes it’s ok, even necessary, to treat yourself, but you may be taking it a little too far. It’s time to get curious about your finances and purposeful regarding your spending. Before you throw that ATM or Credit Card down, ask yourself, “Do I actually need this? Will this thing truly bring me joy?” I know it can be scary, but sit down and draw up a personal budget and take a look at those statements that you’ve been avoiding. This information will be a guide map for you going forward. Knowledge and a financial plan can be key in conquering all that life throws at you. Prepare yourself. Start small. Let’s call this Spendthrift Sunday and all take a moment to get clear on our habits - this will be a start to finding that financial freedom we all long for!

“A big part of financial freedom is having your heart and mind free from worry about the “what-ifs” of life.” - Suze Orman

Page of Pentacles (Reversed) from This Might Hurt Tarot by Isabella Rotman


Ten of Swords (Reversed)…


The Ten of Wands…