Ten of Swords (Reversed)…


There are certain aspects of your life that you can feel are coming to a close. In fact, you are more than eager to walk away, but is it really time to go? There may be more here - a few things left unsaid or undone before you can truly free yourself and move on. So, WAIT! I know you feel ready, but what else is there that needs resolving? Take a closer look and be willing to give just a little more of yourself, so you can be sure you won’t have any residual energy hanging on as you drift into a new chapter. Closure and how you say goodbye is sometimes hard, but can be just as important as leaving it all behind. Make sure you have tied up any loose ends and don’t be surprised if you discover that what you are letting go of deserves your honor, love and respect as you say “so long!”

“How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.” - Winnie The Pooh

Ten of Swords (Reversed) from The Light Seer’s Tarot by Chris-Anne


The Ace of Wands…


Page of Pentacles (Reversed)…