Queen of Cups - Reversed…
The theme of emotional content continues for us this weekend. We are FEELING it right now, aren’t we? In a strange way, we may not even be sure about what we are feeling or why these emotions seem to be stirring and rising to the surface. It almost seems like we are trapped in a bubble of sentiments, just waiting to burst forth in unknown directions. But there is something so needed in this haze of murky water in which we sit - a sense of personal power that is growing deep down within. Take your time here. Do not push yourself to include others in what you are experiencing. In fact, all that others ask or need of you right now can wait. You will know when the time is right to break through your bubble and emerge with quiet potency. It may not be tonight…
“Feel it. That thing you don’t want to feel. Feel it and be free.” - Nayirra Waheed
The Queen of Cups (Reversed) from the Fountain Tarot) by Jason Gruhl