Queen of Swords (Reversed)…


You are someone who likes to feel in control. You prefer to take charge, think out a plan and stick to it, but maybe you need to let go in order to transform? Chaos and uncertainty can bring great clarity and force you to grow. Tonight, as you dream, dream not of flying but floating. Drifting slowly out of the sky like a a stray feather billowing in the wind. Free fall and allow the wind to take you on an unexpected journey. Sound scary to you? It’s only a dream and you may discover losing control is actually a really exciting feeling that you will crave in waking life. Step off your throne - be free. Let go and lighten up…

“She was like a feather. Strong enough to fall without breaking, light enough to fly and soft enough to tickle your spine.” - Isha Shelkey

Queen of Swords (Reversed) - Artist’s Rendering by Grace P. Fong for Hive Galleries


Seven of Wands…


Five of Pentacles (Reversed)…