Seven of Wands…

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You are on your way, but adversity is always close on your trail. Expect conflict. Walk directly into it, despite your fear and hesitation. I know it currently feels like you cannot see what is above you and the ground is incredibly far away, but you must keep climbing. This ladder you have built yourself feels rickety, but it’s constructed with passion and will lead you to possibilities you have yet to dream up. You have the determination and perseverance to deal with any conflict that creeps in, so don’t look down - just keep climbing. This is just a momentary patch of uncertainty. You will conquer this and find your way into the clouds. And when you get there, the view will be worth it.

“You can’t fall if you don’t climb, but there’s no joy in living your whole life on the ground.” -Unknown

The Seven of Wands - Artist’s Rendering from The Slow Tarot by Lacey Bryant.


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