Queen of Wands…
When the universe sends a brand of chaos in your direction, you know just how to step in and take charge. Today you have met with your fair share of obstacles, but instead of jumping over them, you greeted them with your own level of passionate mayhem by using the power of your subconscious. Well done, you Queens! Sometimes we need to meet fire with fire and let all of the commotion dance together in the most beautiful blend of disorder. Yes, disorder can be beautiful - in fact, it a can lead you and others to a rainbow of ideas that would otherwise never be conceived as possible. Some leaders thrive in the most tumultuous situations. Give yourself a royal treatment for orchestrating the impossible today. And recognize that this is, in fact, a super power that you have and can use at the moments you need it most. When life feels like a dumpster fire, wear a crown of flames with pride.
“When something sets your soul on fire, don’t be afraid to dance with it.” - Stacie Marten
The Queen of Wands from the 78 Tarot Astral - Tarot in Space