The Empress…

Except for a brief glimpse of just a hint of a rainbow outside my window this afternoon, I must admit, I have not felt the presence of the Empress today. Although, this is the card I pulled this morning. I can only hope she is planning on creeping into our nights to command a greater understanding of growth for us all. Let’s see how her dark beauty emerges with the moon and just what promise of abundance she delivers. Maybe the glamour of her love will shine upon our dreams, filling them with delightful ideas on how to enrich our lives? I’m getting excited, because I think the meaning of her appearance will light up our nights with hope, joy, love and the promise of growth we all long for. Tuesday morning when you awake, let me know how she revealed herself to you and what secrets were shared. I can’t wait to hear all about it, unless she’s asked you to be discreet...

“She is an empress. She carries within her the exotic glow of the moon and leaves in her wake, colorful stardust.” - unknown

The Empress from Solaris Tarot Deck (Star Wars Inspired) by Elithien


Queen of Wands…


The Emperor - Reversed…