Queen of Wands (Reversed) - The Magician…
This feels like a Two-Card-Tuesday-Dose-of-Reality “Smack Down”! You can’t always be in charge and sometimes your creative ideas are dismissed leaving you powerless. But, are you truly powerless? Or do you just need a reminder of the fundamentals. Sometimes to truly make magic, you need to simplify down to the root and use the basic tools at your disposal. Your ego may feel the need to take over and control the moment or task at hand and you might long for recognition, admiration and respect. But, do you need those things, truly, to get the job done. Even if you have felt that level of “Smack Down” today, trust that your ego can mend and rely on what you have at your disposal - your raw talent. It doesn’t have to be revered to be effective. You have all the elements to be successful - don’t let a little setback get you down. Stay connected and you will flourish - that is real sorcery.
“Success is how high you bounce when you hit bottom.” - George S. Patton
The Queen of Wands (Reversed) into the Magician from the Rider/Waite/Smith Deck