The Seven of Pentacles…
So, if you are east coast based like me, have just experienced a stunning harvest moon appear as a silent but powerful “goodbye” to summer. Now, you are starting to feel the air turn crisper and the wind whispers to you for change.. The energy of fall is calling to you and potential for something different is on the horizon. But this potential isn’t just of the external variety. There is a piece of you that has been haunted by the idea of of real growth and germination. Perhaps your tired soul is recognizing that you need more space in your world? Or maybe your inner child feels corrupted and neglected. At night, your dreams may be filled with nonsensical and dizzying visions - a kind of messaging you are having trouble deciphering. What looms over you is your own psyche motivating you towards more - more of what?!? You get to decide, my haunted friends. But the time is now to prepare a space for it and allow it to possess you.
“It is a good idea to be alone in a garden at dawn or dark, so that all it’s shy presences may haunt you and possess you in a reverie of suspended thought.” - James Douglas
The Seven of Pentacles from the Dark Wood Tarot by Sasha Graham