Reversed Knight of Cups - Two of Cups - Reversed Page of Cups…

An emotional start to the day? Cups are raining down upon us! An emotional connection with a loved one is feeling very off base today. The intention is good, but there are external forces that will not let you come together in a cohesive manner. Perhaps you are both being a little childish in refusing to honor the other’s feelings. You can take your compassion in a different direction, but the experience will never sit right if you do. You will find yourself suspended in a bewildering and awkward state and no distraction will help you to right the wrong of it. Your bond is meant to heal, comfort and restore each other. So, take the step to redirect back in the direction of your loved one, no matter how difficult this feels. Choose compassion in this moment. Choose each other.

“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.” - Leo Buscaglia

The Knight of Cups (Reversed) - The Two of Cups - The Page of Cups (Reversed) from the Rider/Waite/Smith Deck


Justice - Reversed…


The Hanged Man - Reversed…