Six of Cups - Reversed…

Summertime nostalgia can strike in mysterious ways. Why are you resisting the sweetness of your inner child? Reminiscing can be a wonderful map to take you on a journey closer to what will fill your spirit with joy. In fact, don’t look outside of yourself for ideas - consult with that tiny tot - that former version of self that still dwells inside of you and you might be surprised to find that the simplest of things will deliver pure happiness…running through a sprinkler, fresh squeezed lemonade, a cherry bomb ice pop melting down your hand! Oh - what about chasing fireflies through the forest or building a fort in the living room? Perhaps you need a little sand art or to pull out that coloring book? Get on a swing - what are you waiting for? For me, nothing cheers me more immediately than cherry cola chapstick (which I always have readily available) or spotting a ladybug. Get creative today - you deserve a little pick-me-up and your inner child may hold the key - the skate key, that is…

“Some of the best memories are made in flip flops.” - Katie Ellmore

The Six of Cups from The Housewives Tarot by Judy Buffum and P. Kepple


The Emperor into the Ace of Wands (Reversed)…


The Five of Cups - Reversed…