The Emperor into the Ace of Wands (Reversed)…
Everything feels like a power play to you this weekend and, yes, you do have a strong strategy. However, your traditional approach in a certain situation may result in a missed opportunity. Adhering to societal norms regarding relationships by playing games to get what you want has worked in the past, but this time you are at a severe disadvantage when you set that tone with another. This chance for a taste of love is far too delicate and fleeting - it or they won’t respond to your cool brand of control and analytical frame of mind. I know it sounds dangerous for someone who feels they always have the next move, but maybe splash around in the uncertainty of unknown potential this weekend. You don’t want to miss out on a really exciting chance to light up your heart or light the heart of another…
“Don’t play games if you can’t afford to lose.” - Germony Kent
The Emperor into The Ace of Cups Reversed from The Light Seer’s Tarot by Chris-Anne