Six of Pentacles Reversed with The Star Crossing Over
Six of Pentacles (Reversed) with The Star crossing over - The Tarot of The Haunted House
Sometimes we can care too much and give a little too much. Review the relationships in your life - are there any one sided connections you have that leave you feeling depleted? In which situations do you find yourself the most spread thin? Do you have any close friends that you always show up for, but are hard to find when you are in need? When you have “reached your limit” what or who has pushed you there? It’s ok to cleanse yourself of this kind of energy. It may feel strange to cut a few people loose, but you need to recharge and will not be able to if you are overextended in a toxic way. You may wind up saving some of these relationships down the line by walking away from them in the present. You know there is a clear difference between sharing and taking. Let the night shade illuminate those in your life that need to be washed away. Trust that they will find their way back to you and you will be ready to set boundaries with them when they return. Reciprocity should be your new standard moving forward.