Six of Swords crossing over Nine of Swords…

Six of Swords Crossing Over Nine of Swords

Six of Swords Crossing Over Nine of Swords

Though it may feel a little like you are taking a big step back, you are actually moving forward in ways you couldn’t imagine! Lately, you have allowed yourself to become weighted down and clouded with dark thoughts. You have felt like you cannot get out of your head. Luckily, you are now realizing how this behavior isn’t serving you at all. By letting go of the mind and truly taking that big step back to see the full picture, you have begun the process of letting go and are now starting to see the light. Keep clearing out the junk - that trash in your mind that is blocking out the sun! Good news, as you do this, the universe is guiding you forward on a safe journey toward optimism and hope. You are partnered and you have support. If you choose to recognize it and utilize it, it is there. Even if you don’t, it is there. Drift peacefully into the light and start to feel the warmth of its healing glow. Those dark thoughts are floating away, as you rejoin a world outside of your head. You are supported. You are safe. You are loved. Welcome the healing spirit of the world that waits there to embrace you.


Queen of Cups Colliding with the Six of Pentacles…


The Six of Wands…