Six of Swords - Reversed…
You long to be moving in a new direction, but your mind keeps pulling you back. Frustrating - I know! Don’t get blue about it, though. It just may mean there is some unfinished business that needs attending to before you can truly pull up that anchor. Look closely at what or who is keeping you where you are to gain a greater understanding of what is at stake. This will help you strategize so you can leave all that you don’t need behind. You owe yourself the chance to make this move with a feeling of ease. When you are ready to launch, you will feel the lightness in your soul and the wind gently guiding you forward!
“Unfinished business encompasses all those things we haven’t said or done. The feelings we wish we allowed ourselves to feel. Those feelings that we have ignored and not attended to.”— Elisabeth Kübler-Ross & David Kessler
The Six of Swords (Reversed) from The Linestrider Tarot by Siolo Thompson