Nine of Swords…
This week will feel surreal and threatening, but if you fight against the worry it could intensify your anxiety. I know it sounds strange, but give in to the worry just enough to see what is there. Often, we experience these strange moments, because they are pointing to something in our lives that is calling out for attention. If you feel unsettled and adrift, don’t you want to understand why? Splash around in this weirdness so you can find the answer. It might be scary, but you are so close to solving a mystery for yourself that can help you reclaim or reset your current circumstance in a more positive way. Give in to the fears in your mind. You can treat the symptoms, but if you dive deeper into the abyss, you will find the cure.
“This whole world is wild at heart and weird on top.” - David Lynch
The Nine of Swords - Artist’s Rendering by Diedra Rater