I have been feeling a burdensome chaos descending in life and the world around me. Lately, it seems that things are not aligning the way I hoped and sudden surprises are leaping out at every turn. I’m not sure if you are feeling the same, but I felt the need to do a deep draw to see what this week has in store and how we might master it. To do this, I pulled from the deepest and juiciest deck I own - my friend, Sasha Graham’s Dark Wood Tarot. Perhaps a journey deep into the Dark Wood of existence, is what we need and crave. Withdrawing in the direction of promised safety is an option this week, but how safe will we actually be from a threat that lies within? Our minds will travel with us, after all. Hiding and celebrating what we think we DO have always looks appealing. Gratitude is sometimes the answer that brings us the balance we long for, but happy thoughts will not be enough to ward off what lurks underneath it all. Instead, we may have to sit in the beautiful, but uncomfortable power of our own unrevealed potency. If we must fight, let us do it with all of the most vicious hidden reserve of persuasion that we can manifest. When we bring this to the surface, we will feel out of control, but we will win and simultaneously exorcise the wicked shadows that have been getting in our way. Our strength runs WAY deeper than we think.