Six of Wands…
Today I pulled from my Golden Girls Tarot because my dear friend who gifted me the deck was coming by for a visit, so it just felt right. Sophia appeared with a truly fun message for our week ahead. The Six of Wands can signify success in your endeavors and recognition for all that you do, but often we associate our successes with career or personal goals. This week, set yourself up with a few “friend goals”! How might you step in and be a sunny champion for some of your besties?!? Think of the many ways you might surprise your favorites by going above and beyond to support their endeavors. This is certainly a fun approach to the week ahead…you may be surprised at how much this strategy will distract you from the worries you have been carrying for yourself and provide you with unique forms of personal growth. Not to mention the joy you will be providing for others (and remember - what you put out will come back to you threefold!) By the end of the week, you’re true reward may come in a rousing chorus of “Thank you for being a friend….travel down the road and back again…” This may be the best way to be celebrated!
“I always wondered why blessings wore disguises. If I were a blessing, I'd run around naked.” - Sophia from Golden Girls
The Six of Wands from The Golden Girls Tarot