Two of Swords…

There are thoughts that you have kept tucked away inside your mind, unexamined but protected. There they nest muted and unseen, growing under the surface of your psyche. Do you hear them from time to time, calling out to you for attention? This weekend release these ideas you have hidden away and spend sometime sifting through their potential. I think you may find deeper meaning lurking within them - strange and beautiful possibilities to be discovered. Yes, decisions will have to be made. Though you feel like you cannot see, maybe you only need to listen to their sacred song to understand what action you should take. When you tune into this mystical melody you have obscured from self and others, you may find the fog that has surrounded you will suddenly lift. Have the most beautifully revealing weekend, my dear songbirds.

“I haven't understood a bar of music in my life, but I have felt it.” - Igor Stravinsky

The Two of Swords from The Tarot of Mystical Moments by Catrin Welz-Stein


Six of Wands…


Ace of Cups…