Temperance - The Wheel of Fortune…
It is “Two Card Tuesday” and two very strong cards have appeared with a clear message. You may be looking at someone else with jealous eyes from afar. I see you gazing longing over at their perfect situation. The universe seems to surround them with peaceful bliss and their every dream is supported and lifted up with ease. They are sitting pretty with no doubts and no fears about what is yet to come. In fact, their demeanor is of easy confidence in every aspect of their life. “Why are they afforded all of these advantages” you may be thinking to yourself, “while my existence is full of jarring twists and turns?!?” It’s true, you have faced quite a bit of challenges along your path and you will continue to feel those wheels spin, but you are made for more exciting things, my love! Your inner spirit is restless and driving. Comparing yourself to that other person is pointless - they may never understand the full complexity of life that you have as your very best friend! And if they do, it is only because they have moved through it to achieve a level of balance that is available to you if you desire it. But, do you? Maybe you like to mix things up - maybe the unknown thrills you and your spontaneous energy is what makes you grand. Mull it over. Knowing what you truly want and need is half the battle, but looking at what someone else has - that’s just a distraction.
“Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not.” - Ann Brashares
Temperance & The Wheel of Fortune from The Tarot of Mystical Moments by Catrin Welz-Stein