King of Wands…
There are some exceptionally creative ideas simmering under the surface - you are a real visionary just waiting to ignite. Let your most wild and colorful designs take the lead in your mind tonight! You must dream it if you wish to own it, so paint it all out with vibrancy and texture in your mind scape. Be specific, but bold as you give color to this dream of yours. Focus the chaos and let it take defined shape without trying to control it too much. Think about how many people might benefit from your musings and how the world might be changed by your beautiful ideas. Tonight is the night to craft the core of a personal purpose that can and will inspire. Make sure it speaks to you and your wildly innovative spirit most of all, because this is epicenter of what will motivate you to get out and DO IT! When you are ready to put it all in motion, be sure to enlist the help of others who are equally as passionate as you. This moment tonight is your very first step toward realizing a dream.
“The key to realizing a dream is to focus not on success, but significance - and then even the small steps and little victories along your path will take on greater meaning.” -Oprah Winfrey
The King of Wands from the Universal Folk Tarot by Anita Inverarity