Ten of Swords - Reversed

The Ten of Swords from The Shadowscape Tarot Deck

The Ten of Swords from The Shadowscape Tarot Deck

Now is the moment to start fresh and there really is no turning back this time. What’s done is DONE, so there is no use holding onto it and trying to stop the inevitable. You should be feeling excited to release all of the dark, negative energy that is surrounding you! If you are reluctant to free yourself and begin a new chapter, tonight before bed pull out pen and paper. Write the start of a story about what your life will be like once you have let go of the swirling negativity you are holding on to. Really paint the picture for yourself of your new, unburdened path. How does it feel to skip along in this new world of you? What do you see and experience? Write about it until you run out of words to put on the page that will accurately describe the miracle of your new life. If you have to stop mid-sentence, that is totally fine! When you awake tomorrow morning, revisit your story all the way through before getting out of bed. Feel the lightness with which you toss the covers aside and when your feet hit the floor - step into that story, right at the moment you stopped, leaving all of the tension and darkness in the bed behind you, because you don’t need it anymore. New day, new you, new chapter! Pro tip: it might be a good day to change the sheets…


The Hierophant - Reversed


The Nine of Cups - Reversed