The Nine of Cups - Reversed

The Nine of Cups - Reversed

The Nine of Cups - Reversed

Sweet frustration - does it feel like you are falling instead of flying? In this moment, life just isn’t materializing the way you hoped or dreamed. If you feel a bit stuck and long for more - it’s time to change your perspective from the top down. Does your dream or goal truly align with your values and spirit? Is your approach a mad grasp outward to achieve what you desire? Shifting internally and tuning into your authentic needs are key to creating a path forward. It’s time to pause, breathe and check in. Ask yourself - is this what I truly want? Will accomplishing this particular goal really feed my soul? If the answer is no, then ask yourself - What will? Once your dreams are in alliance with your heart, you will find a new orientation toward your destiny. Flying is fun - falling, not useful!


Ten of Swords - Reversed


Temperance - Reversed