Ten of Wands - Reversed…
I see a theme emerging for our week with today’s card. That burden we are carrying - is it truly ours? Why are we keeping it so close to the chest and allowing it to block our beautiful faces from the sun? This weight - this feeling of heaviness has been thrust upon us, but we don’t have to choose to lug it around. Some things we can do…delegate and share the responsibility, share our feelings about the situation, choose one of the many things in our pile to focus on, pass it along to someone else, put it down for now and come back to it later and finally, JUST SAY NO and hand it back. I, for one, will not accept blame and responsibility for something that isn’t my mess today! There, I said it! And, you should do. Lay down your load and create space for a better day - you deserve it.
“Value yourself according to the burdens you carry, and you will find everything is a burden.” - James Richardson
The 10 of Wands (Reversed) from the Joie De Vivre Tarot by Paulina Cassidy