Five of Pentacles…
Five of Pentacles for the week ahead is not what I had in mind. Nevertheless, it is what was pulled this morning. Funny, though, how when you let a card sit and you have a day to meditate on it, what message can rise to the surface that surprises you. I had a full day of teaching Tarot classes for Uncommon Goods, which is always a real treat for me, but today was even more enriching than I had anticipated. You see, in sharing this art form that I love so dearly, the rewards are incredibly fulfilling, and today’s classes were especially meaningful. One thing that I’ve never quite admitted to others is that I am someone who has always felt a bit on the “outside” of things in life and existence, which is sometimes a good thing, but often quite alienating. The Five of Pentacles reminds us that in our darkest times of trouble, doubt and alienation, if we just look for it, help, inclusion and support is there. Today in class, while working with so many exciting, new readers it became clear how MUCH a part of something I am. The give and take of teaching (let’s face it, sometimes I learn more from those that take the class than I can hope to instill in them) is quite restorative and up-lifting. Sharing with others does have the power to heal and inspire all involved. So, if this is our card of the week - when we find ourselves feeling hardship and division (and we may encounter this this week), it’s not the time to hide in solitude feeling self-pity. It’s actually a calling to share of self - what you have to offer might be the medicine someone else needs to heal and restore and isn’t that what life is all about? Make yourself give and don’t expect anything in return, but you will find you are surprised by the myriad of rewards that become available to you. Don’t hide in the darkness - share your light.
“To share your weakness is to make yourself vulnerable. To make yourself vulnerable is to show your strength.” - Criss Jami
The 5 of Pentacles from the Divine Tarot by Ciro Marchetti