The 10 of Pentacles…
I had a reading today with beautiful client and this card popped up. In seeing the image she said, “Well THIS is the card of the day!” And I thought, “Yes…yes it is.” So thank you for calling that to my attention, dear friend. In this game of life, we can become consumed with material gain - the more we have, the easier it all is, right? But, true wealth lies in having family, friends and community whom you can share it all with. When you look back on what you have accomplished are you going to think of all of the things you’ve acquired, or the light, love and joy they allowed you to create with the people in your sphere. Be grateful for each moment you are allowed because of what you have acquired. Relish in your true payoff. As a future predictor, this card says, you can have it all and, most importantly, have the love in your life that allows you to share it. If you desire more, know you CAN have it all, but be mindful that you recognize it when you do!
“When it comes down to it, the secret of having it all is loving it all.” - Joyce Brothers
The 10 of Pentacles from The Light Seer’s Deck by Chris-Anne