The High Priestess…
She’s back again on a Sunday as a messenger for our week ahead! I can’t help but think there is deeper energy trying to materialize for us. What is this secretive missive that is yearning to be known? I think it would be a fun challenge for us to dive into the week like psychic detectives in search of this hidden knowledge. As you move through everyday challenges, inspect them all a bit further. Scrutinize each scenario as it arises. See the light and the dark and then close your eyes and use your other senses to inhabit the full energy of what is being served. If you have strange ideas or thoughts - explore them. If you think you know something, you probably are right, so investigate! Let’s solve this riddle together by connecting to this week with every atom in our bodies and all of the space in-between. I can’t wait to hear what you discover the universe is trying to say to you….
“Everything you’ll ever need to know is within you; the secrets of the universe are imprinted on the cells of your body.” - Dan Millman
The High Priestess - Art Work by Unknown, but awesome