The Ace of Cups…

I’m giving you a little love on this Valentine’s Weekend. This is a strange celebration - right?!? Love is mysterious, hard to grasp and can be illusive. Even when it’s flourishing in our lives, do we really understand it? What we understand, most of all, is how it makes us feel to be loved - though for many of us this feeling is different. Euphoric, warm, exhilarated, cradled, supported and even overwhelmed for just a list of adjectives to describe it. And love can sneak in on you in so many forms. This weekend, I hope you take the time to relish the moments in which you feel love. Whether it’s coming from friends, family, co-workers, partners, pets or self. Notice it and take the time to allow for it to cleanse your spirit. Then, double down - how can you foster that love - help it to grow and expand? You deserve it. And then, all I ask is that you share it with another in return.

“Seize the moments of happiness in the world - Love and be loved. That is the only reality in the world, all else is folly.” - Leo Tolstoy

The Ace of Cups - Image by Georgina Gibson


The Ace of Pentacles…


The Eight of Cups…