The Ace of Pentacles…

This week opportunity flies in for you to open your heart to a richer experience in love and life! So, what are you waiting for?!? Make the most of it! But first, perhaps you need to dream about what that means to you? I suggest you pour yourself a lush red and slip into a hot bubbly bath with candles blazing, close your eyes and imagine. Envision all the lush ways you can embrace opulence throughout your week. If you want to go big - go BIG and take yourself on a fancy date or plan something glamorous for you and loved one. But, you should also just think of the many ways you can squeeze the juiciness of love out of each moment throughout your week. Trust me, as a result of your own indulgence you will glow from within and that glow will soar out into the universe and attract even greater rewards!

“Always, I want to live more intensely and more richly.” - Everett Ruess

The Ace of Pentacles from the Animism Tarot Deck from Rainbow of Crazy


The Six of Swords…


The Ace of Cups…