The Ace of Wands…


Imagine that in your mind there is a forest. And, in this forest there is a cozy nook where possibility is just beginning to sprout up toward the sky. What tiny sprig do you have within, slowly pushing its way toward the sun? Recognize this stretching upward as an act of defiance against the larger trees trying to drown out the light. Notice how the universe sends help to guide this notion or new idea toward the sky. Tonight when you dream rest in this cozy nook beside your tiny new dream and surrounded by those woodland helpers. Feel the long blades of grass surround you in safety and be grateful for the possibility that grows within. Ask this sprouting prospect what kind of care it needs from you to blossom in your waking life. When you wake, it’s time to start nurturing all of the possibility that dwells within. Sweet dreams!

“When nothing is sure, everything is possible.” - Margaret Drabble

The Ace of Wands from The Oak Ash and Thorn Tarot Deck by Stephanie Burrows and Adam Oehlers


Five of Pentacles (Reversed)…


Ten of Swords (Reversed)…