The Chariot

The Chariot - Kathy Zyduck’s illustration from her classic rock Tarot series

The Chariot - Kathy Zyduck’s illustration from her classic rock Tarot series

Freddie Mercury as The Chariot is spot on. He is someone that, despite the many odds stacked against him, he followed his true internal calling and blazed a starry trail of success through the universe, changing hearts and lives as he went. Strength and determination are two words often used to describe the Chariot card and they are definitely attributes that come to mind when this card appears in a spread. However, the crucial element of this card is that it pushes you to have strength and determination in the face of great opposition. Courage is hearing no over and over and doing it anyway, because you must - going against the grain and not letting anyone hold you back or push you down. Now is your chance, you warrior. When this card appears the question is, “How will you blaze a path as you move speedily toward your true destiny?” If you are like Freddie, you do it with your full heart and spirit and you make no apologies for your brilliance. Get out there and light up the sky!


The World


Four of Cups