Four of Cups

The Four of Cups - Artists rendition from The Slow Tarot - Lacey Bryant

The Four of Cups - Artists rendition from The Slow Tarot - Lacey Bryant

Card of the night, the Four of Cups, urges you to explore the empty space. Where you think there is nothing, you may find your next big opportunity. If you focus too long and hard on what you feel you have lost, you may miss the richness of what is being offered. Tonight, when you sleep, see if you can explore those empty spaces - the dark holes that we often ignore while dreaming. What is there? What delicious, intoxicating treat are you not seeing? Who is the spirit offering you this cup of sweetness and if you see it, will you take and drink? Getting lost in scary and electric opportunities in your dreaming life is sometimes easier than taking big risks in your waking life, but maybe it’s time to try both!? You are too fixated on what you perceive you do not have to notice that life is offering you everything you need and desire - in both your dreaming and waking life. Remember Alice in Wonderland - the note that said “Drink Me.” When she drank, she saw and felt a transformative perspective. Go ahead - take a sip!


The Chariot


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