The Devil - Reversed…

The Weekend is a good time to explore a little deviation from self-harming behavior. What is the addiction that keeps you in chains? For me, it’s saying yes to everyone, taking on too much work and feeling overwhelmed by responsibility. For my friend who helped pull this card of the day, it’s a negative thought pattern that swirls in her head - that internal voice that is constantly spewing fear, hate and uncertainty. For some, it may be an actual substance dependency which falsely promises a way to self-medicate against darkness. No matter how big or small, take an hour or two today to fall away from it by doing it differently. If you are someone who leads in social situations because you need that sense of control, take a back seat and let others make decisions. If you are reserved with others, speak your mind and share your heart in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable. If cynical thoughts haunt you - write them down with a positive re-frame as they come to you. If you turn toward a substance in your time of need, try calling a friend instead. Exorcise your demons. You can take one small step toward unfurling the chains that are strangling you. I believe in your power to fall away from this hold. For me, I am leaving all emails unanswered for the rest of today. Sounds easy, but it isn’t. I will do it nonetheless.

“Chains of habit are too light to be felt, until they are too heavy to be broken.” - Warren Buffett

The Devil (Reversed) from the Star Spinner Deck by Trungles


The Five of Swords…


The Hierophant…