The Hierophant…

This weekend you will be tested. Life will present you with a situation which insists you tap into your personal and spiritual knowledge regarding self and others. Don’t panic - don’t rush in with answers. Take a minute and steady yourself. You have an inner reservoir of wisdom that you have been filling and refilling over all these years. Analyze what is needed most and connect with the right information you have held within that well for just this moment. Manifest the true answers through stillness and deep thought. You will know what is right. You will know what is true. The power with which you deliver your message is an important part of this examination. If you allow for the space to explore your deep understanding of the world, you will know what is right to do or say. Knowledge is power and this opportunity will make you aware of just how much power you hold. Let your own response to life’s sudden evaluation leave you awe-inspired.

“Knowledge was always the power that kept the Universe in it’s place and the stars turning in their orbits.” - Paulo Coelho

The Hierophant from Yamoja-Swordsfall


The Devil - Reversed…


The Ace of Wands…