The Eight of Wands

The Eight of Wands from The Paulina Tarot Deck

The Eight of Wands from The Paulina Tarot Deck

Do you feel that buzz of energy tickling your feet? Do you feel that prickly tingle underneath your skin? Your anxious and excitable spirit knows it’s time to fly. If you have been sitting on a project and carefully planning, wait no longer - it’s time to make a move. Your first action may feel jarring at first - you are shifting direction. However, soon enough you will find yourself in that blissful zen of natural flow. As you pick up speed, you will also acquire a support system and new ideas on how to build upon the work you have already put in, so what are you waiting for? Fly like an arrow through the cosmos to your planned destination. You can figure all the rest out along the way!


The Fool


The Nine of Wands