The Nine of Wands

The Nine of Wands - Artist’s rendition from an unknown collection

The Nine of Wands - Artist’s rendition from an unknown collection

Does life keep testing you? You are so close to the finish line, but a new obstacle emerges just as you begin to recognize just how exhausted you are. Don’t give up. Have you ever read about or studied the Hero’s Journey? If not, how familiar are you with Star Wars or Harry Potter? Let’s assume you are the hero on your own quest…this is the moment you make a choice - are you going to give in to the fear, doubt and pain you are feeling or are you going to collect yourself and rise from the ashes like a wild phoenix to conquer what is holding you back? You have the resilient spirit to stay in this fight and if you keep going, despite the debilitating fatigue you may feel, you will be rewarded. This will be the toughest part of your journey and you may have to face it alone, but hold your ground and recognize the great inner strength you have gained from the work that you have already put in. If you make it through this next part (and you will), you will be crowned with bliss and enlightenment that you cannot even imagine. You will be reborn and feel a connection to others and the world around you that is symbiotic, magical and unbreakable. Keep going, hero….


The Eight of Wands


King of Swords