The Emperor - Reversed…

You have a very important mission this week - identify the person in your life who is controlling and manipulating you. Perhaps this is an authority figure that you feel you MUST obey and adhere to? Or maybe they are a teacher that seems to have the best intentions on the surface, but are leading you astray. Could be someone you love dearly and look up to, whose energy has shifted in unexpected ways…or even a friend that always has the greatest advice, but is suddenly threatened by your level of confidence. You may not think there is such a person, but they are there, so really examine the influential forces in your life. You don’t have to take immediate action, but knowing is EVERYTHING. Notice how they may be trying to strip you of your individual agency and destroy your creative spirit in very hidden ways. How you take control of this situation is up to you. But this week, you reclaim your personal power by the very evocative act of recognition. It will be hard to digest, but you will feel so much more in control once you identify this threat.

“Don’t you dare shrink yourself for someone else’s comfort. Do not become small for people who refuse to grow.” - Steve Maraboli

The Emperor (Reversed) from The Rider/Waite/Smith Deck


The Empress…


The Magician…