The Five of Wands
The Five of Wands from The Morgan Greer Deck
This card is very apt for our moment. I have been tuning in to the DNC convention each night and it has been incredibly inspiring to me. For sometime, perhaps for a very long time, it has felt as if we are all at odds with each other. It’s so exhausting to constantly defend your stance and your territory against what you perceive to be a threat. But, maybe it’s time to stop and listen to each other. Differing opinions can be useful tools to empower each other. The universe is not “black and white”. There is room for all. Let’s lay down our wands and begin together on a path of unity. There is strength in acceptance, understanding and compassion (The Strength Card assures us of this). It’s time for a change and what a relief it will be to all of us to put an end to the constant warring and struggle. Differences can be empowering. Let’s do this!