The Four of Swords - Reversed…
Wake up, sleepyhead. You may feel inclined to retreat into stillness today and remove yourself from what is at hand, but this is not the time to drift away from your responsibilities. Rouse yourself and take a hold of one specific thought that is ready for action. Grab onto that idea and let it jar you from the idle rest you have succumb to. Use this thought as a weapon against your own lethargy. It’s time to motivate yourself. True balance, in your case, calls out for decisive measures. Take initiative by forcing yourself to accept one challenge set in front of you. Before you know it, you will be taking on so much more with ease and confidence. If you want that solid foundation of thought, time to leap up and take control.
“You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.” - Zig Ziglar
The Four of Swords (Reversed) from the Deck that resides on Aunty Flo’s Website - still unidentified, but love the images