The Hierophant - Reversed…
Who needs tradition when you can do it your own way?!? The theme of this weekend is to defy conventional habits with your own colorful and unique approach. Don’t let anyone tell you how it should be done - invent your own way and declare that it is so. Sift through any delineated truth and you will find doubt. All prescribed guidelines must be challenged. Rules?!? Break them. If something existing in your path doesn’t make sense, question it and keep questioning it until you figure out what the alternative is. There is always an alternative. It’s time for you to reclaim your personal understanding of the world around you. Become your own authority this weekend and do it with unbridled flair.
“If you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun.” -Katherine Hepburn
The Hierophant - Reversed. I don’t know what deck this is and I’m not following rules today, so it’s up to you to find it…