The High Priestess

The High Priestess - An Artist’s Rendering

The High Priestess - An Artist’s Rendering

There is a whole universe to be discovered in the dark caverns of your spirit - a whole universe of hidden, untapped knowledge. Tonight when full night is upon us, shut out all of the lights and sit in stillness. Resist the urge to do - sit quietly and open your awareness to the moment. What does the night air feel like on your skin? Do the distant sounds blend into strange music? Sense the aliveness of the shadows all around you - how they blur into hushed shapes that seem foreign. In this mysterious moment, recognize your shifting perspective of the world around you. Things are not always what they seem and that is exhilarating. What thoughts creep into your mind? What do know in this instant? Do you sense something new and different? This is the infinite whispering a secret just for you. See and feel beyond the obvious and you may find the hidden message in your soul. Don’t be afraid of the dark.


The Hanged Man (Reversed)


A Holiday Wish….